Archive for October, 2011


Library > Business & Finance > Finance and Investment Dictionary

body of economic thought originated by the British economist and government adviser, John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), whose landmark work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, was published in 1935. Writing during the Great Depression, Keynes took issue with the classical economists, like Adam Smith, who believed that the economy worked best when left alone. Keynes believed that active government intervention in the marketplace was the only method of ensuring economic growth and stability. He held essentially that insufficient demand causes unemployment and that excessive demand results in inflation; government should therefore manipulate the level of aggregate demand by adjusting levels of government expenditure and taxation. For example, to avoid depression Keynes advocated increased government spending and easy money, resulting in more investment, higher employment, and increased consumer spending.
Keynesian economics has had great influence on the public economic policies of industrial nations, including the United States.
In the 1980s, however, after repeated recessions, slow growth, and high rates of inflation in the U.S., a contrasting outlook, uniting monetarists and “supply siders,” blamed excessive government intervention for troubles in the economy.

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If you hate America so much

  Most will say, "If you hate America so much, why don’t you just leave?”, when they talk/yell to many of the demonstrators/occupiers, but it’s not America they hate, though they are unable to articulate this – nor are they actually intelligent enough to understand the forces [consciously intended] responsible for producing their anger.

Some hate the fact that they work hard every day, and are not wealthy, while most of them HATE, venting all their fears, mistakes, losses, bad choices, missed opportunity, and just plain bad luck, on anyone other than themselves. This hate is driven by the modern day evolution of ‘greed’, and by all indications, greed is evolving exponentially (even daily).

It’s economics, simple but true. The Protesters are ignorant of economics, in fact, most people are ignorant of economics, but it’s economics that makes this all work. Would be in my lifetime (wishful thinking) a wonderful day indeed, when understanding comes to all, and the emotion ‘anger’ becomes a civil exchange of opposing forces.

A delicate balance of opposing ideas, beliefs, and ideologies, and the melding of same into a cohesive understanding of what to expect from each other, and here is the serendipitous part: Both agreeing, at the conclusion of the intercourse and exchange of positions, in full part, with each other.

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When I arrived

I started afresh

dreams and aspirations

rivaled the best

At thirteen years

an alter-boy to be

the number thirteen

no significance to me

The Butterfly

At eighteen years

eyes opened you see

I joined the U.S. Navy

to keep the world free